Abuse Survivor Speaks Out: ‘Cops Stood Guard as I was Raped by Politicians as a Child’

‘An abuse survivor has bravely broken her silence to tell her horrific childhood story. In an interview with Sky News, Esther Baker, 32, explained how she and other children were raped by politicians as uniformed police officers stood guard.

“I got the feeling very much that they were protecting somebody, that they were with one of the men,” said Baker.

“One of them (police officers) I knew from church. There were a few occasions where they would be in uniform, and I kind of knew, I learnt that when they were in uniform that it was going to be a rough night,” she explained. “On occasion they would – they would sort of join in.”

During one of the incidents, Baker recalls that she was able to run away, only to be chased down and caught by a police officer. Apparently the police officer was apologetic as he carried her back to the rapist politicians. He must have “just been doing his job.”’

Read more: Abuse Survivor Speaks Out: 'Cops Stood Guard as I was Raped by Politicians as a Child'

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