Jihadi Vaudeville: The Never-Ending ISIS Roadshow Arrives in Yemen

‘In the midst of Saudi Arabia’s merciless, unprovoked bombing campaign against the people of Yemen comes news that a faction of ‘ISIS-aligned’ militants has established a beachhead in the south of the Arabian Peninsula for their proclaimed Caliphate.

Already media reports have been circulating that a local “al-Qaeda affiliate” has taken advantage of Riyadh’s bombing campaign to seize control of territory in the southeast of Yemen, with no noticeable Saudi opposition to these acts. The Saudis have not made quelling groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS any sort of priority in their assault; rather it is exclusively the Houthi militias that are in the sights of the Wahhabist kingdom’s offensive military operation.

This state of affairs apparently suits jihadist factions just fine. They have expressed no noticeable opposition to the Saudi bombing campaign and the mass killing of Yemeni civilians. Rather, ISIS has issued a declaration of war against the Houthis, threatening the mass slaughter of Yemen’s Shi’ite people.’

Read more: Jihadi Vaudeville: The Never-Ending ISIS Roadshow Arrives in Yemen

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