LaRouche’s Mission to Restore the American Presidency, What is Yours?

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., had arrived in India with a group of U.S. forces, when word arrived in April, 1945, that President Franklin Roosevelt had died. A group of soldiers asked to have an evening meeting with LaRouche. He simply told them: the President is dead, and we have to, ourselves, all the more, assemble ourselves, and devote ourselves to the mission of President Roosevelt.

That was the beginning of Lyndon LaRouche’s mission, now almost exactly seventy years old, which still today is not over,— although it has now come to a critical fork in the road over the past roughly two weeks.

“We were coming towards the end of the actual conflict in Europe, and then beyond,” LaRouche remembered today. “And so, what I was left with, was the Southeast Asia area. I got more or less tied to that region, plus Russia. And what I otherwise had gotten into.”

LaRouche wrote to General Dwight Eisenhower in 1948, asking him to run for President, which would have denied the wretched Harry Truman a second term, and replaced him with someone who aspired to what Franklin Roosevelt had represented. At that time, Eisenhower was being brought in as the new president of Columbia University in New York. “Eisenhower was the one person I had access to,” LaRouche said today. “He was then going into his position at Columbia; that was my access to him.”

We now know that all four of Franklin Roosevelt’s surviving sons, were themselves also writing just such letters to Eisenhower at the same time. Nevertheless, he waited out Truman’s term before running, and winning, in 1952.

What some regard as LaRouche’s excursion into the socialist movement during the 1950s and early 1960s, was actually much more specific. He supported and then joined the Socialist Workers Party, an American Trotskyist party, because it was fighting McCarthyism (better called Trumanism), as LaRouche was also doing on his own. No other such national organization was doing this, including the Communist Party.

Later, LaRouche intervened into the “New Left,” such as the Students for a Democratic Society, in the interests of bringing forth something productive in the wake of the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. “My commitment was very, very clear,” he remembered today, “but the times were changing. And therefore, the things that you dealt with at an earlier time, no longer fit the situation.”

His crushing defeat of the leading British Keynesian Abba Lerner, who had been flown direct from London into a Queens College debate with LaRouche in 1971, prevented a British takeover of the US and its economy at that time. “It was the birth of the time when people began to congeal themselves around me,” LaRouche said today. “It was an easy fight for me; Abba Lerner was just a damn fool. A self-important damn fool. But the whole crew of Keynesians was really freaked out at the fact that I had defeated them.”

LaRouche’s Strategic Defense Initiative proposal of 1977 and thereafter, was publicly adopted by President Reagan, and also unofficially supported by the then-existing Russian government, nominally under Leonid Brezhnev. This was the highest point of success ever achieved to that point, of LaRouche’s mission to reshape the U.S. Presidency to that which Alexander Hamilton had originally intended, which included what later President John Quincy Adams had termed a “community of principle” among republican nations girdling the globe. Not only did the SDI include an agreement between the US and the Soviets for development of devices based on “new physical principles” to overcome thermonuclear missiles. It also included the joint US-Soviet use of these technologies for economic development of Africa, Asia, and Ibero-America.

President Reagan suffered an assassination attempt by Bush-linked forces, two months after his inauguration. Although he survived, he was severely wounded, and he loosened or dropped the reins of government, which were taken over by the Bush family, which killed the SDI and railroaded LaRouche to jail.

LaRouche’s arrest (before his frameup trial and five-year incarceration in Federal prison), was actually intended to have been an assassination, which was only prevented by an intervention from the White House. The intention was also to kill LaRouche in prison, but patriotic forces kept him safe there.

The way LaRouche got to Russia, was that he got permission to go into Germany, to be with Helga. And she had already adopted a course of action, which was the same as his.

“I was in Europe,” he said today, “and then, in the process, because of Helga’s Russian connections, I found myself flying into Moscow with Helga. I found myself parked there.

“At the special meeting with the leaders of Russia at that time, they asked me for my decision. What should they do? We agreed on that. Then, Bill Clinton did not oppose it,— in fact, he agreed with it, in principle. But he was not going to act so as to put me, directly, in front of this stuff. But Bill actually did do a lot, in order to coordinate his views with me.

“Also up to that point, we had a friend in the Papacy. That Pope was also wounded in an assassination attempt. What happened is, the other party, shall we say the radical, left-wing party of the clergy, took advantage of the fact that the Pope had an impairment in his functioning, and they came in like gang-busters. Therefore, the whole Catholic operation disintegrated, and, interestingly, the disintegration of the Catholic Church from that point on, meant that the whole church kind of faded because of this kind of disintegration.

“The new Pope Francis is trying to make sure that that’s not going to be repeated.”

Out of the bankruptcy of Russia, which also involved the bankruptcy of the whole world financial system, LaRouche brought back a proposal of his from Russia, which was eventually adopted by President Clinton.

“I came back again,” he said today, “at the same time that Putin was rising in power, and dealing with the Chechens. I was also without any direct connection to Putin at that time. I didn’t really know him much, but I just knew about him. But the Chechen issue was the same issue I was working on. And that’s the whole racket we’re dealing with right now.”

Clinton went with the proposal; then he was sex-gated and impeached in a phony process.

“It was simply an operation done by a bunch of Republican whores on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II herself,” LaRouche said today. “Agents of the Queen [like Ambrose Evans-Pritchard] directed and controlled the Republican Party. It’s probably still true today. What you can say, is what’s the difference between the Republican Party,— well, most of them are queens.”

The hounding of Bill Clinton out of office entailed the loss of Glass-Steagall, followed by two terms of George W. Bush and almost two of Obama. It gave us a world economic catastrophe, and a series of U.S. wars of aggression, leaving us now on the brink of thermonuclear World War III.

Now, we’re come back to where we were, only again it’s different. But Obama can be out at any day of this week or next week; his crimes have been exposed, and he can’t recover.

“He could not have won the so-called election, nor could he have maintained his influence in the United States now, except for the British monarchy,” LaRouche says. “He’s just the Queen’s tool. You need to know what his gender is; because you look at the women that work around him,— you wonder what his gender is.”

Now with O’Malley doing what he’s doing, we’re at the position where we can win the Presidency; the real American Presidency, as Lyndon LaRouche has been fighting for, for all these seventy years.

“There’s a good way of looking at that,” LaRouche said today, “because O’Malley had not, on a formal basis, had not seemed to be, what he has become now. But, really he hasn’t changed. What happened is, is that he, like most politicians,— even good ones,— he will always try to wear the costume which fits the constituency. And that was the case with him, at an earlier stage.

“When he ran up against this Obama problem and what went with it, then, he un-masked himself, and what he did, was not something he had intended to do earlier; even though his actual feelings about the matter, had not been much different from what they are now. But, it didn’t show that way under the earlier conditions. Now, he gets to the point where he’s at the period of his life where he’s saying, ‘Hey, I’ve got to get back into the fight here.’

“And that’s exactly what has happened.”

SEE “LaRouche’s 40 Year History”

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