Lebanon reiterates right to liberate lands still occupied by Israel

‘Lebanon Monday reiterated its right to liberate the remaining villages still occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

In a statement to mark the 15th anniversary of the withdrawal of Israeli forces from most of south Lebanon, the Foreign Ministry underscored “Lebanon’s right to liberate the remaining territory still under Israeli occupation by all legitimate means.”

The ministry, the statement added, “will spare no effort to convey this national, unanimous position to the international community until finally putting an end to Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty, ending occupation and full Israeli withdrawal from Lebanese territory.”

Israel pulled its forces out of most of southern Lebanon on May 25, 2000 after 18 years of continuous occupation. However, they still occupy the village of Ghajar, the Shebaa farms and the Kfar Shuba hills.’

Read more: Lebanon reiterates right to liberate lands still occupied by Israel

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