Macedonian Colour revolution: Foreign Ambassadors Lead Anti-Government Protest In Skopje – Report

‘Several thousands of people have gathered outside of the government buildings in the Skopje central square, carrying Macedonian flags and demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Sputnik reports.

On Friday, the SDSM head Zoran Zaev stated that about 70,000 will be joining the rally. According to Zaev, all participants have been instructed to bring cameras to record potential police violence.

Kosovo’s Gazeta Express reports that anti-government rally in Macedonia is attended by foreign ambassadors, who will lead the protest on the first row. Participation was confirmed by Ervan Fuere and a number of other accredited ambassadors in Macedonia, according to’

Read more: Macedonian Colour revolution: Foreign Ambassadors Lead Anti-Government Protest In Skopje – Report

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