Michael Gove back on frontline as David Cameron’s justice secretary

‘Michael Gove is to be returned to a major government department as justice secretary in the wake of the Conservative general election victory.

In a second round of senior appointments since the election, the prime minister is reshuffling Gove, who has been his chief whip in charge of party discipline since July last year, to the Ministry of Justice, taking charge of prisons, sentencing and criminal justice.

Gove was removed as education secretary last year to head the whips’ office, reportedly at the behest of the party’s general election strategist Lynton Crosby, who feared that the former journalist’s “toxic image” could be a vote loser. At the time Gove’s wife, the journalist Sarah Vine, made her feelings clear about the cabinet minister’s move out of the limelight by tweeting a link to a Daily Mail article that the newspaper headlined “A shabby day’s work which Cameron will live to regret”.’

Read more: Michael Gove back on frontline as David Cameron’s justice secretary

This Kind of Justice, eh Mr Gove?: July 2014 – Home Office ‘child abuse cover-up’: Michael Gove rules out public inquiry into claims of paedophile politicians at Westminster

‘The Education Secretary has insisted that there should not be a public inquiry into a possible cover-up of paedophile politicians in Westminster, after it emerged that more than 100 Home Office files related to historic allegations of child abuse have gone “missing”.

Lord Tebbit, who served in the Cabinet under Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, said today that there “may well have been” a political cover-up in order to “protect the establishment” of the time.

The files, which related to a 20-year period between 1979 and 1999, were flagged up as part of an internal Home Office review into a dossier, prepared by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens, alleging paedophile activity at Westminster in the 1980s.’

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