Russia: NATO Intel Posing as OSCE is Unacceptable

‘Russia deems it inadmissible to use the OSCE “flag” in the work of military observers from NATO member-countries in eastern Ukraine, Russia’s envoy to OSCE Andrey Kelin told reporters on Thursday.

“Such initiatives under the ‘flag’ of the OSCE are absolutely unacceptable, they are unilateral and biased, it’s an abuse of confidence-building measures,” he said.

According to Kelin, “initiatives have emerged when some people operate under the OSCE flag, but, in actual fact, they have nothing to do with the OSCE.” “In particular, I am referring to a group of military officers led by Denmark that comprises representatives of Canada, Poland and Moldova who are to travel to the military operation area to familiarize with the situation and later to submit their report to the OSCE,” he said.’

Read more: Russia: NATO Intel Posing as OSCE is Unacceptable

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