Suicide Mission: Why a War With Iran Will End in Another Defeat for the U.S. Military Machine

‘On Hardball with Chris Matthews, a U.S. mainstream media program interviewed President Barack Obama and was asked about Russia’s decision on lifting a ban on the sale of S-300 air-defense missile systems to Iran. According to the Jerusalem Post, Obama said “Our defense budget is somewhere just a little under $600 billion.

Theirs is a little over $17 billion. Even if they’ve got some air defense systems, if we had to, we could penetrate them.” Obama declares that the U.S. military would penetrate Iran’s defenses while ignoring the fact that the Iranian forces would respond decisively to such an attack.

The U.S. military would not be alone in its crusade against Iran. Israel and Saudi Arabia would also join their suicide mission. Let’s talk about facts concerning Iran and how it would defend its territory from an invading force.’

Read more: Suicide Mission: Why a War With Iran Will End in Another Defeat for the U.S. Military Machine

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