TSA documents show agents routinely sexually assault and grope Americans – alternative media was right all along

‘We hate to say, “We told ya so,” but if we in the alternative media don’t point out our triumphs, nobody else will, and certainly nobody in the mainstream media: The Transportation Security Administration is a rogue agency filled with miscreants, criminals and perverts who make more of an effort to, and take more pleasure in, making the traveling public miserable than in protecting them from “terrorism.”

As noted by InfoWars.com, documents obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request filed by a government watchdog organization show that TSA-caused sexual abuse is still rife around the nation, “with Americans complaining of being sexually harassed and groped while screeners laugh and sneer at them.”‘

Read more: TSA documents show agents routinely sexually assault and grope Americans – alternative media was right all along

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