US Approves Huge Arms Sales to Israel, Including Bunker Buster Bombs

‘The US State Department approved the sale of $1.87 billion in weapons and precision guidance kits to Israel in order to improve existing systems and make it easier for American and Israeli forces to work together.

Details of the possible sale were submitted for congressional review this week after being approved by the Pentagon, the US Department of Defense said in a statement Tuesday.

If finalized, Israel will receive a supply of precision-guided munitions consisting of 750 bunker-buster bombs, 3,000 Hellfire missiles, 250 medium-range air-to-air missiles and 4,100 glide bombs.

The package also includes 14,500 missile guidance systems – known as tail kits for Joint Direct Attack Munitions – which convert unguided bombs into GPS-guided missiles.’

Read more: US Approves Huge Arms Sales to Israel, Including Bunker Buster Bombs

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