Wave of medical police state refugees to flee California if SB 277 signed into law … Gov. Brown to declare war on children … no child safe

‘California will be the origin of America’s first wave of medical police state refugees fleeing medical tyranny if Gov. Jerry Brown signs SB 277 into law.

SB 277 is California’s pharma-funded vaccine assault on all parents and children. It would eliminate all personal belief exemptions and force nearly all children in California to be forcibly injected with vaccines that are knowingly manufactured with neurotoxic substances such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG.

If he signs the law, Gov. Brown will be declaring medical genocide against children whose genetic makeup causes them to have extremely heightened risks to vaccine injury. No child will be safe in California, and the state will cement its position as the first real-life medical police state in America, where risks of a medical civil war skyrocket.’

Read more: Wave of medical police state refugees to flee California if SB 277 signed into law … Gov. Brown to declare war on children … no child safe

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