When Two Systems Collide

In three days, heads of state from 25 nations will be gathered in Moscow to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the defeat of fascism. The events surrounding the May 9 commemoration will accelerate the new paradigm for mankind, represented by the BRICS and allied initiatives for Eurasian development and beyond. China’s President Xi Jinping will spend three days in Moscow, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, before returning to Beijing to host India’s Prime Minister Modi, whose three-day visit to China, starting May 14, will greatly advance the emerging pan-Himalayan alliance to build the New Silk Road. Egypt’s President al-Sisi announced on Tuesday that he, too, would be in Moscow for the celebration, and for a separate day of bilateral meetings with Russian President Putin and other Russian officials.

An Indian delegation is in Iran, working out details for a new deep water port on the Iranian coast near Pakistan; and Japan and India have just reached an agreement to build a new joint research and development center in India. Obama is furious at Modi for taking the initiative with Iran, but there is little he can do, except rant.

The breath-taking speed with which the leading nations of Eurasia are coming together around the “one belt, one road” Eurasian Landbridge projects, will only accelerate in the coming weeks, as preparations are advanced towards the July meetings of the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) heads of state in Ufa, Russia.

This process of creating a future for mankind is, however, not without its enemies, centered in the British Empire.

In a shameless act of capitulation to the British Empire and their Barack Obama, French President Hollande has announced that he will not be attending the Moscow commemoration. Instead, he flew off to Riyadh, on Tuesday, to grovel in front of the Saudis, pleading for petrodollar investments in France’s defense and nuclear power sectors. Hardly coincidentally, Francophone African state Senegal announced the same day that they will send 2,100 troops to Saudi Arabia, to “defend” the Kingdom against the threat from the Houthis; this, after both Pakistan and Egypt refused to cave in to Anglo-Saudi demands for cannon fodder for the war on Yemen. The Saudi indiscriminate bombing campaign against Yemen has continued. It must be remembered that the fighter planes are manned by Saudi pilots, but the maintenance and repairs are all under British control–as part of the long-running Al Yamamah program, under which the terrorists of 9/11 and ISIS are financed.

This is pure British provocation, aimed at stopping the BRICS process and somehow saving the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system from unavoidable extinction. With the accelerating advancing of the BRICS new paradigm, the British will resort to wars, genocide–even thermonuclear war–to stop the advancement of humanity beyond the vice grips of empire.

This is a showdown moment. After a major intervention by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and an international network of retired military flag officers from the U.S., Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Britain, and France, NATO and Russia have restored the hot-line military-to-military communications that were shut down after the Maidan coup in February 2014. Repeated warnings, picking up on Lyndon LaRouche’s clarion call to stop the drive to thermonuclear war, have delivered a set-back to the British.

However, this is not enough. So long as Barack Obama remains in office, the war danger is there. So long as the British pull the strings on the Saudi Monarchy, the entire Persian Gulf, Southwest Asia, Eastern Mediterranean region is on a hair-trigger for population war. The British are pursuing their New Opium War against the populations of Eurasia, by producing a new super-opium strain in the British-controlled provinces of Afghanistan. An estimated 8,300 tons of opium are projected for Afghanistan production this year, which translates into over 1,000 tons of pure heroin, targeted at the Silk Road nations of Central Asia and Russia.

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