Why is the US Trying to Replace the Assad Government With al-Qaeda (ISIS) in Syria?

‘A month ago, the city of Idlib fell to opposition fighters, mainly al-Qaeda and its affiliates and allies. It was a major blow to the Syrian army. Last Saturday, the nearby town of Jisr al-Shughour also fell, mostly to the same groups.

Fighting against the Syrian government and army are a mixture of Syrian and foreign mercenaries from dozens of countries. They are supplied, trained, armed and paid by Saudi Arabia, the Gulf monarchies, Israel, Turkey, NATO, and of course the United States. Their weapons are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it appears that TOW wire-guided missiles supplied by Saudi Arabia (and indirectly the US) made a major difference in the battles for Idlib and Jisr al-Shughour.

The Syrian government is backed mainly by Russia and Iran, plus a few thousand fighters from Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is also backed by a substantial majority of the Syrian population, as determined by foreign intelligence estimates as well as a multi-candidate 2014 election with astonishing participation even by expatriate Syrians.’

Read more: Why is the US Trying to Replace the Assad Government With al-Qaeda (ISIS) in Syria?

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