Will Spotsylvania Supervisors Throw Taxpayers a Curveball?

Dear Patriot,

I wanted to thank you for the liberty victory last Tuesday night at the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors meeting.

As you know, consultants and special interest groups were trying to sneak through a risky $42 million loan for a baseball stadium at a special Board of Supervisors meeting.

And according to inside sources and some reports, they had the votes to pass it.

The owners and their consultants were expecting a victory lap at your expense and came all the way from Hagerstown, Maryland!

But they weren’t expecting Spotsy liberty activists like you to take action.

Your phone calls and strong showing at the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors meeting pressured the board to table the motion for 60 days.

But we don’t have time for a seventh-inning stretch.

They now have to go back and get Major League Baseball’s (MLB) approval to extend the May 31 deadline for their single-A ballpark.

It’s unclear whether or not they’ll get approval in time.

So now’s the time to double down.

That’s why I need you to sign your “No Baseball Bailout” petition immediately.

This is our chance to put the final nail in the coffin of this deal.

You can be sure the owners and their operatives will be back with a vendetta against Spotsylvania activists who opposed their scheme to force taxpayers to fund their private business.

That’s why we need to keep the pressure on the Spotsylvania Supervisors and make sure we strike out the baseball bailout once and for all.

Delivering a stack of petitions weekly will tell the Board of Supervisors and the team’s consultants “no deal.”

Will you sign your “No Baseball Bailout” petition immediately?

Supervisors David Ross, Tim McLaughin, and Paul Trampe went to bat for Spotsy taxpayers at the meeting last Tuesday night.

They boldly showed just how bad this deal was for Spotsylvania.

And within the first hour of the meeting, most supporters of the taxpayer funded stadium left. They realized it’s a bad deal when key details were released for the first time.

It’s now clear the overwhelming majority of Spotslyvania citizens oppose this stadium.

But that won’t stop the team’s consultants from coming back.

They’re even threatening political retaliation to supervisors who dare to challenge their plot to rip off Spotsy taxpayers.

That’s why right now – while they’re trying to get approval from MLB to extend their deadline – we need to go on the offensive and keep the pressure on the Board of Supervisors.

So please, sign your “No Baseball Bailouts” petition right away.

In Liberty,

Dustin Curtis
State Coordinator
Virginia Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Thanks to your quick action, the risky $42 million Spotsylvania taxpayer funded baseball stadium was stopped last Tuesday night – but only for 60 days.

Now the team’s owners need approval by May 31 from the MLB to continue to pursue the taxpayer funded baseball stadium in Spotsylvania.

It’s critical you keep the pressure on the Board of Supervisors by signing your “No Baseball Bailouts” petition right away and strike out this bad deal.

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