World Trade Organization to force Taiwanese citizens to eat radioactive food from Fukushima

‘Japan could turn to the globalist World Trade Organization to force Taiwan to import seafood and other products that might be tainted with radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.

In recent days, the government of Taiwan began imposing stricter rules on inspecting food products imported from Japan that might have originated from areas exposed to radioactive fallout from the crippled plant. That prompted the Japanese government to warn that it could call on the WTO for a trade ruling unless Taiwan eases up on its restrictions.

Reuters reports that under the new Taiwanese rules, only foods with a government place-of-origin certificate will be permitted in the country. In addition, certain items from specific regions in Japan will have to undergo radiation testing before they are given access to Taiwan’s markets.’

Read more: World Trade Organization to force Taiwanese citizens to eat radioactive food from Fukushima

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