Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Impulswelle Conference ‘Does the Future of Switzerland Lie in Eurasia

The May 9 conference of the Zürich-based citizens’ initiative, Impulswelle (Impulse Wave), “Does the Future of Switzerland Lie in Eurasia?” has raised the challenge for Switzerland, as the only sovereign country in Western Europe, to become a model for others by combining cooperation with the BRICS, with the simultaneous introduction of a credit system on the model of Alexander Hamilton with a true National Bank and Glass-Steagall.

Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the lead guest speaker, addressed the attentive audience of 80 with a strategic overview of the New Silk Road paradigm of the BRICS and how it has now drawn in the majority of nations on the planet as an alternative to the dying and dangerous trans-Atlantic system. She pointed out that “all the roosters on the rooftops are predicting the next crash, and even the old chicken Christine Lagarde of the IMF too.”

Social and economic chaos and thermonuclear war are unavoidable unless the BRICS option is taken up. The wars of George W. Bush and Obama have created a wave of refugees totaling up to 57 million desperate human beings—a polarizing issue in Switzerland—who must be helped with the New Silk Road development plans of the BRICS. Zepp-LaRouche then brought up the oft-ignored challenge that there is no way around the need to immediately alter the course of the United States itself, drawing upon its best traditions, as with Alexander Hamilton and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

She concluded by illustrating how the California water crisis, and desertification throughout the world prove that our weather system is actually a galactic system, as easily seen with the role of cosmic rays in generating the precipitation of water, but also the long-term galactic and solar cycles. Humanity must expand its mastery of such processes, as the 15th-Century genius Nicholas of Cusa began to do for modern European culture: Imago Viva Dei—the living image of God—Man, not merely as a passive image of God, but as an active co-participant in the ongoing Creation. For Chinese culture, Confucius defined the same standard in terms of having, or, losing, the Mandate of Heaven.

She was followed by guest speaker Dr. Karl Eckstein, the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Zürich, who spoke in his capacity as a long-time business consultant with the countries of the former Soviet Union. He stressed that the Anglo-Saxon world is using the criminal geopolitics of imperial Britain’s Halford Mackinder against Eurasia. Russia has proposed numerous options for cooperation, as with a joint missile defense system in the Caucasus, but these have been systematically rejected due to the geopolitical dictates against Russia and Eurasia.

Prof. Marc Chesney of the Zürich University Institute of Banking and Finance, a well-known Glass-Steagall advocate, spoke of the strategic parallels of World War I with its senseless death and destruction via trench warfare, and the ongoing financial war against humanity which is decimating lives and the real economy by means of financial derivatives, systemic instruments of mass destruction.

The presentation of Zürich Gymnasium teacher René Machu, a founding member of Impulswelle, “A Swiss National Bank in Service of the Real Economy and the Citizenry,” opened with a description of the national bank, the First Bank of the United States, founded by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, as the anti-monetarist credit system anchor against the British imperial financial system. They say a central bank must be “independent, but from whom, from government influence or, in fact, from control of the citizens?” The Swiss National Bank “is a hybrid between a central bank in private hands, and the First Bank of the United States of Hamilton.” A true National Bank for Switzerland must be dedicated to the Common Good, control a sovereign currency, generate credit for infrastructure into a Glass-Steagall banking system, be under control of the citizenry, and act in the present based on what the nation wants to achieve for the future: that is what defines a credit system.

The opening presentation of leading Impulswelle member, biologist Ruth Frei, and the concluding presentation of Linz- based Wilhelm Augustat, head of Peace Through Culture—Europe, both emphasized that the causes of conflicts, and also the solutions, lie in the realm of culture. Augustat provoked the audience that there is no “Europe” as such, but that there has only been Eurasia, with its history with all the complex interactions of different peoples and cultures, who now need to establish concrete collaboration at the spiritual level of culture and ethics. To avoid having Western Europeans see the BRICS as a mere abstraction, that history must be understood, going back to even pre-Roman Imperial times, up through the role of the church after Rome’s collapse, including the Mongol presence in Russia, which had been mentioned earlier in Karl Eckstein’s presentation.

The BRICS and the New Silk Road offer that opportunity, and he hopes that a free Switzerland—free through its own indigenous spirit, unlike Austria with its imposed neutrality—can lead the way in Europe to the BRICS. The BRICS comes to Switzerland, not for some money in its banks, but to partake of that spirit.

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