CERN & A Short Course In Demon Management

‘The Hadron Collider now functioning in central Europe could be either the ultimate science experiment or a catastrophic world destroying danger to all mankind. CERN shows many faces; a public presentation of competent scientists peeling back levels of knowledge, a symbolic representation (shown in the short film Symmetry) seemingly describing an opening of a time/space portal to another dimension and a hidden agenda to harvest anti-matter for nefarious purposes.

All of these (faces) agendas are likely true. This week WBB looks at all of the purported purposes and links the activities at CERN with the satanic control system’s agenda for world domination under a Lucifarian new world order. The satanic agenda and the lucifarian agenda are shown to be two component parts of the overall plan and how they work together is explained.

The PC ends with a little advice; hints on demon management, which turns out to be good advice even for non-demon, infested times.’

The post CERN & A Short Course In Demon Management appeared first on David Icke.

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