Cop Says He Shot Cyclist in the Back Because He Was Mourning His Fellow Officer


‘Two years ago, 23-year-old Alejandro Rendon was murdered by Indio police officer Alex Franco. Rendon was on a bicycle when Franco attempted to pull him over, reportedly for a missing headlight on the cycle.

Expert witnesses testified that the officer shot Rendon in the back as he was attempting to flee, but Franco denied this, his department stood behind him, and now he walks free. He was even nice enough to allow an insurance company to foot the $1.9M bill from the settlement and court fees, after Rendon’s family sued the murderer.

Apparently Franco had good reason to shoot someone in the back, but it had nothing to do with the man he killed. He was just…sad.’

Read more: Cop Says He Shot Cyclist in the Back Because He Was Mourning His Fellow Officer

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