Dr. Manny: How prescription drug abuse is helping to fuel violence in America


‘My heart aches and my soul is full of sadness for the nine innocent lives lost in Charleston, South Carolina, and the community left reeling due to yet another senseless crime. This horrific mass murder will no doubt be remembered in American history, just like the many others that have come before it, and unfortunately the probable ones yet to come.

While we know that accused killer Dylann Roof was fueled by hatred and racism, I wonder if there is a pattern in some of these tragedies. In conjunction with what other experts will tell us, I believe that an epidemic of drug abuse in this country is helping to fuel the violence. I am not talking about marijuana, cocaine or heroin – I am specifically singling out prescription drug abuse.’

Read more: Dr. Manny: How prescription drug abuse is helping to fuel violence in America

The post Dr. Manny: How prescription drug abuse is helping to fuel violence in America appeared first on David Icke.

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