Ex-White House Staffer Who Invoked Genocide to Sell a War Is Now Helping Cover One Up

‘The plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya, a largely Muslim population in that Buddhist-majority country, has lit up the headlines as thousands of them have fled what some are describing ​as genocide by fleeing on rafts out to sea to try to find safe shelter.

Myanmar’s humanitarian crisis has until now been largely ignored by American politicians, as the re-opening of relations with the country was a considered a major accomplishment of the Hillary Clinton State Department and wider Obama administration. Yet signs of outright genocide are starting to raise eyebrows in the West, and the boat people phenomenon is likely to increase the chances that Myanmar’s neighbors and the wider global community come under pressure to force an end to the abuses there.’

Read more: Ex-White House Staffer Who Invoked Genocide to Sell a War Is Now Helping Cover One Up

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