First Test of the New Presidency: Get Obama Out Now!

It is becoming more and more transparent that the world is headed towards strategic confrontation between the Obama Administration and both Russia and China. So long as Barack Obama remains in office as President of the United States, that war danger will persist. It is, therefore, the first order of business of the new presidency to take the lead in forcing Obama’s impeachment or removal from office under the provisions of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Events over the weekend have made it clear that there is no way that the United States, or the world as a whole, can survive, if the kinds of overt war provocations that have been carried out by Obama under London/Wall Street orders, persist. The deployment of the USS Ross, an AEGIS-equipped destroyer, into the Black Sea waters near Russia last week sent Russian fighter jets into the air to force the ship to turn around. NATO maneuvers are ongoing in the Baltic, Arctic and Scandinavian regions near the Russian border. Credible reports suggest that Western mercenaries are all over eastern Ukraine, backing up Kiev forces, in what could be a new round of provocations.

The newly installed head of the NATO Military Council, a Czech General, has called for NATO to use tactical nuclear weapons against Russia, ostensibly if Russia carried out a blitz invasion of the Baltic states.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the same escalating provocations are underway, targeted against both Russia and China. After last week’s P-8 surveillance overflight over Chinese-claimed reefs in the South China Sea, U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter used the occasion of the weekend’s Shangri-La Dialogue of Asian defense officials to make new threats against China. Carter went from Singapore to Vietnam and other stops in the region, to drum up naval coordination against China. At Shangri-La, both the Chinese and Russian deputy defense chiefs blasted the U.S. policies, with the Russian openly saying that Washington’s pursuit of Prompt Global Strike is a first-strike war plan against both Russia and China.

Russia has announced an ambitious summer of non-stop maneuvers, including of the Strategic Rocket Force, which has now been modernized to a very great extent. This past week, the snap maneuvers of the Central Military District were a clear show of force message to Obama and NATO that Russia will not back down from confrontation.

In the face of this growing madness coming out of the Obama Administration, some relatively sane voices, including Thomas Graham and even Michael O’Hanlon have called for de-escalation and efforts to forge a new European security architecture that once again incorporates Russia as a partner, not adversary. Graham made clear that Ukraine cannot survive without a viable relationship with Russia, and the U.S. should back off from the confrontation.

The bottom line, however, is that Obama must be removed. So long as the British Monarchy has its finger on the U.S. trigger, the world is facing extinction. That is the central issue. So far, the opposition to Obama has taken the form of “issue oriented” opposition. The Patriot Act was delivered a deadly blow on Sunday night. Obama’s Fast Track Authority for his TPP and TTIP free trade swindles is likely to be defeated this week in the House of Representatives. While these are useful developments, they do not add up to what is the minimal requirement for mankind to be assured of survival.

There is an emerging potential for a new presidency, based on a revival of the FDR policies for the 21st century. This was most clearly reflected in Martin O’Malley’s kickoff speech in Baltimore on Saturday morning. There are qualified, patriotic individuals who can be brought together around a new presidency, much as Lyndon LaRouche has spelled out these urgent requirements in recent public discussions. But that effort must start with a realistic assessment of the grave threat to mankind, represented by Obama remaining in office. And that required action.

The timetable is very brief. On Monday night, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Christine Legarde, Mario Draghi and some of Greece’s leading creditors were meeting in Berlin to decide what to do, as Greece can not make the required June IMF loan repayments. A Greek default will trigger a chain-reaction collapse of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system, and recent statements by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Paul Krugman have openly acknowledged this reality.

The looming Greek default and ensuing blowout is the most immediate trigger for Obama launching a war against Russia and China–on behalf of the British. The clock is already ticking towards the Friday, June 5 first Greek IMF payment deadline. At this point, it is uncertain exactly what will happen. But the timeframe for a potential eruption of global war is measured in hours and days.

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