French Spies Secretly Organised and Funded the Libyan Rebels, According to Confidential E-mails to Hillary Clinton

Untitled (3)‘French spies secretly organized and funded the Libyan rebels who defeated Moammar Gadhafi, according to confidential emails to Hillary Clinton that were made public on June 22.

According to one entry from March 22, 2011, “officers” with the General Directorate for External Security — the French intelligence service — “began a series of secret meetings” with Jalil and Gen. Abdul Fatah Younis in Benghazi in late February and gave them “money and guidance” to set up the council, whose formation was announced Feb. 27. The officers, “speaking under orders from [Sarkozy] promised that as soon as the [council]was organized France would recognize [it]as the new government of Libya.”

“In return for their assistance,” the memo states, “the DGSE officers indicated that they expected the new government of Libya to favor French firms and national interests, particularly regarding the oil industry in Libya.”’

Read more: French Spies Secretly Organised and Funded the Libyan Rebels, According to Confidential E-mails to Hillary Clinton

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