G7, Bilderberg, Liberland, Cyprus … My Euro Trip Wrap-Up

One of the ways that our commentary adds value for subscribers (and readers generally) is via personal reactions to international events. I travel a lot for just this reason; recently I decided to see what was really going on at the G7 and Bilderberg conferences.

It was earlier this month and it just so happened that two alternative media superstars – Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth – happened to be in the same area of Germany as I.  (Look out G7!) I decided to ride shotgun (well, not really, neither of them could drive the stick-shift I rented, so I ended up driving them around Europe like driving Mr. and Mrs. Daisy).

I’ve already covered here my experiences at the media orgy at the G7 and being the first of the independent media to talk ourselves into the actual Bilderberg conference room despite tens of thousands of security.

We then met with Vit Jedlicka, the president of Liberland and numerous other very passionate Liberlanders who made their way up to Austria to meet with us.

Here is the flag Liberland. Very nice, I thought, as flags go (black and yellow… very interesting!):

The Free Republic of Liberland “is a self-proclaimed micronation claiming a parcel of land on the western bank of the Danube river between Croatia and Serbia, sharing a land border with the former,” – as Wikipedia describes it.   It is certainly a new country, having only been proclaimed by Mr. Vedlicka on April 13, 2015.

Liberlanders are optimistic that Liberland will succeed, but we learned from them  how the Croatian police are cracking down hard right now.  Many Liberlanders who try to enter into the territory have been arrested and thrown into prisons and tortured… not even given so much as a glass of water for days. Of course the mainstream hasn’t bothered to comment on any of this.

The latest who was kidnapped is named Ulrik.  And, the Liberlanders are fighting non-violently with information.

But, hearing about the kidnapping and terrorism being brought upon freedom loving, peaceful Libertanders, especially after having just survived the Bilderberg security, I decided it was pointless for me to drive down to Liberland, unless I wanted to be kidnapped for days or weeks. Not aspiring to this sort “torture tourism,”  I accepted instead an offer from an old friend to meet him in Cyprus.

Cyprus, of course, is home to the bank bail-ins of a few years ago, and I even stated the intention to open a bitcoin ATM there during that crisis. But I had never personally been there, so I took this as an opportunity to see something new.

Much to my surprise, not only has Cyprus rebounded from its crisis of two years ago, but it is growing massively.  (I will be writing specifically to TDV subscribers over the coming weeks/months on what I found there. It may be one of the best places to expand the value of your portfolio in the European Union right now – although we are waiting to see how Grexit affects it).

Northern Cyprus is essentially a defacto non-state… much like Liberland.  No one seems to claim control over the territory and we are continuing to do our research on some possibly amazing real estate opportunities (but being very careful to gauge risk/reward in a very unstable area).  Again, TDV subscribers (subscribe here) will hear about that if our due diligence turns up some opportunities.

In the meantime, we’ll be starting a TDV Group for Cyprus for subscribers to get on-the-ground information from some of my trusted contacts. (We didn’t even have a TDV Group in Cyprus but as soon as I landed a woman I didn’t know walked up and said, “So, what is the dollar vigilante doing in Cyprus?” with a smile)

TDV Groups is a worldwide network of liberty minded TDV subscribers that can give you a constant stream of on-the-ground info.  Just this month we featured the TDV Group in Venezuela who told us what is really happening right now unlike anything else you can get in the media.  Here are just some of our active groups:

tdvgroupsWe are adding to these groups at 5-10 cities/countries per month and even had our first true “love connection” in the Acapulco TDV Group between like-minded expats… not that that is what it is for, but it happens!  The number of our amazing expats/entrepreneurs you can meet via our groups is growing all-the-time and is included as part of a $15/month subscription to TDV.


It was quite a wild and interesting trip:  From the G7 “show,” to the Bilderberg infiltration, to meeting and hearing many passionate Liberlanders who vow they will not back down to Croatian aggression… to finding numerous potential business and investment opportunities in Cyprus.

It’s a small world out there, especially thanks to the internet.  If you’ve been getting the urge to escape from Amerika or whichever fasco-communist police state you live in, I advise you get connected to TDV Groups and receive the TDV newsletter for even more “on the ground” info.

I have a dream… and it will happen.  We will find some pockets of freedom on this planet.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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