G7 Pledges To End Fossil Fuel Use While Crushing Alternatives

One of my favorite topics to write about is how government people do not understand economy and thus any efforts they make to “regulate” it for “the greater good” turn into epic failures that end up further impoverishing people all over the globe.  Nearly all of the regulations put in place directly benefit the rich and hurt the poor, while the government says it is to protect the nation.

By making the same Communist political decisions over-and-over again, government leaders reveal themselves not only as insane, but sociopathic and even psychopathic. They live in a fantasy in which government actually is productive, not destructive. This, in and of itself, is insane and dangerous. In the real world, government institutions, with their cronies in the biggest of businesses, represent the keystone impoverishing and murderous forces on the planet.

Here in Germany, I have seen a lot of exciting developments during my time following the G7, and experienced first hand the anti-Americanism that lingers throughout Germany.


As I wrote this weekend, Germans are sick of being a pawn of Washington, DC. They are angered by recent revelations that the National Security Agency is still active in their country. With tragedies such as World War II and East Germany fresh in the collective memory, Germans know the danger that big government poses.

Europe has been driven into the ground through the EU project,  and is still falling apart. The thing is, as European history shows, European nations just don’t go their own separate ways and leave each other alone. Some of the worst wars ever were fought on European soil dating back centuries. Thankfully, with so many people awake today, that process is slowed, and can still be averted.

When I read this morning that G7 leaders had pledged to do away with fossil fuels by the end of the century, I thought I was reading The Onion. As if government could spearhead the innovation needed to get this done!

But it is true – G7 leaders have pushed for “deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are required with a decarbonisation of the global economy over the course of this century”.

To achieve this they have pledged to phase out fossil fuels by the end of the century, which to me represents just one more effort to cripple the global economy and implement poverty measures throughout the world until we live on nothing more than a planet of slums.  I will tell you why shortly.

Currently, its government people versus the true economy players: the small businessmen, investors and individuals creating productive new technologies and works.

Whereas the individual pledges hard-work, creativity and endurance, governments offer money…other people’s money. Or money printed out of thin air.

To that end, G7 nations have pledged $100 billion per year from public and private accounts by 2020 to help poorer nations “tackle climate change.”

But the G7 will have to break its pledge or destroy the economy. Here’s why…

The coordination problem for the G7 nation will begin when one country is clearly cheating on the emissions targets. The others will then start cheating, too, because we are dealing with sociopaths and people who are unaccountable to employers or even the electorate. They are accountable to cronies with self-interests. Public funds will be wasted and used on lavish events and things for the wealthy and well-connected, just as is taking place here in Germany at the G7.

Even if the world were going to become independent of fossil fuels by the end of the century, it would take the free market first and foremost, not government taxing and spending.  Without the innovation, cooperation and competition demanded of individuals in the free market, there’s to be no innovation towards new and exciting technologies. In fact, even with any government whatsoever we cannot move to a non-fossil fuel paradigm, because any new wave technologies created by the free market get stamped out by government. What is going to replace, coal, oil and natural gas? Governments certainly don’t propose ideas, and when others do, they persecute them.  I suggest the following documentary for more on this:

Government leaders won’t let cold fusion develop further,  and in order for entrepreneurs to get into the energy business it could take millions of dollars to navigate the maze of patents and regulations.

The German car company Audi is developing  Benzin, which is gasoline manufactured out of raw hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. They will extract CO2 from the atmosphere to make it, according to the company.

In my years, I have witnessed hundreds of advanced technologies that could make more sophisticated our energy sources, but most of them get bought up by government cronies who then disappear them. This is done to maintain government-allowed monopolies and thus control over the economy, in particular , in this case, oil.

Germany has even outlawed Nuclear energy, so this pledge could be akin to committing economic suicide. Where does Germany plan on getting its energy unless draconian regulations of energy use are on the horizon?

If there is one thing I can be sure of at this G7, its that a lot of fossil fuel had to be used for all of these world leaders to converge on a small town. Even more fossil fuel was needed for the some 38,000 paramilitary police.

But, in a way, none of this matters. G7 “leaders” are really just puppets of the true “masters of the universe” who meet at confabs such as Bilderberg, which I will be at next week.  It is easy to reject the liars in government, but much more difficult when it comes to those people truly in control of our food, water, air, energy and so on.

[Editor’s Note: This month, on TDV’s 5th Anniversary, Jeff Berwick covers geopolitics in depth for our paid members, focusing on war and false flags, and the future. Click here to learn more]

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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