GCHQ and NSA broke antivirus software so that they could spy on people, leaks indicate


‘The British and American spy agencies deliberately broke anti-virus software so that they could read the messages of their citizens, according to new leaks.

Both the NSA and GCHQ have long been said to have deliberately reversed engineer software so that they could find weaknesses in software and exploit them to read communications. But new documents show that the agencies did so to some of the most popular antivirus software, potentially exposing hundreds of millions of people to dangerous viruses, according to a report from The Intercept.

The agencies reverse engineered Kaspersky antivirus software so that they could see how it worked and ensure that it didn’t keep them from looking through computers, according to the report. They also looked through emails that had been sent to the company flagging up viruses and vulnerabilities, the Intercept reported.’

Read more: GCHQ and NSA broke antivirus software so that they could spy on people, leaks indicate

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