Greek Showdown Looms

A small debt produces a debtor; a large one, an enemyPublilius Syrus

The showdown between the sovereign nation of Greece, and the financial and imperial entity known as the EU is fast nearing approach. While the mainstream media is reporting on the most recent offers for reconciliation, between the two, that is a false narrative. Lyndon LaRouche commented yesterday that there are, in fact, no meaningful negotiations underway, because the EU insists on imposing policies which are a crime, which the Greeks continue to reject. If the end of the month is reached this way, LaRouche stated, then the entire EU system will go down, and with it Wall Street and the City of London.

Lyndon LaRouche made the point to associates recently that the Papacy has been taken over by the British Empire, and there are only a few bastions of resistance around the globe to this new force of Satanism:


And it’s the British monarchy that has taken over the Papacy.  And then you look at what the threat is.  Where are there places where we can get some degree of confidence in terms of governments, or institutional governments?  Well, Russia is an excellent place.  Russia is an anti-Satanic force.  The Greeks are an anti-Satanic force; and they will be defended to the extent that nations can do that.  And the Greeks are not likely to give up, make any real concessions of the type that are demanded. 

Why, why should they do that?  Why should they give up?  Because what’s Wall Street?  Everyone on Wall Street should probably be hung for major crimes.  We just have to find the list that fits these specific crimes.

Lyndon LaRouche, June 23, 2015

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