Has America reached a ‘blue screen of death’ moment? A hard reboot now seems inevitable…


‘In just the last week alone, America’s politicians forfeited the nation’s economic future by secretly passing fast track trade authority, California lawmakers accepted bribes from Big Pharma to legalize mass medical genocide against blacks by passing the mandatory vaccination law SB 277, online retailers banned the Confederate flag while promoting Nazi symbolism, howling leftist maniacs began vandalizing historical monuments in cities like Austin Texas, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that words have no meaning in law, and Apple yanked historical Civil War games from its app store because those games showed “Confederate imagery.”

As the United States of America remains inundated with Fukushima radiation and chemtrail geoengineering experiments, it has now surpassed $18 trillion in national debt. Nearly 50 million Americans are on government food stamps, and political correctness is now so insanely absurd that the University of California has ordered its professors to avoid using “offensive” phrases like “land of opportunity.”‘

Read more: Has America reached a ‘blue screen of death’ moment? A hard reboot now seems inevitable…

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