If you voted for the Tories you consented to the splintering of Britain into six nations

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‘They gloat and smirk, do not give a damn about those they are deliberately and pitilessly reducing to sub-human status. Well, why would they? The nasty party won a majority, has the mandate to slash and burn the welfare budget. Yesterday, George Osborne and Iain Duncan Smith penned a joint declaration: benefits would be cut by a further £12bn, starting this July.

They do this to stop “the damaging culture of welfare dependency”, cure people of persistent indolence and ensure the welfare system has returned to “sanity”. The millions of voters who backed the Tories – including some of my own aunts and uncles, cousins and second cousins – will one day, I hope, understand that they consented to the splintering of Britain into six nations.’

Read more: If you voted for the Tories you consented to the splintering of Britain into six nations

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