Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Spawns Black Market for Salt and Pepper


‘We’ve seen it happen with alcohol and cigarettes, and we’ve seen it happen with drugs, guns, and prostitution. Any time the government restricts or overly taxes a vice, it doesn’t go away, it just goes underground. Now those same market forces are stifling the government’s attempts to help our kids eat “healthy” meals.

Michelle Obama’s lunch regimen is apparently so atrocious, that it has created a black market for condiments in some of America’s schools. During a recent House Subcommittee hearing, an Indiana school administrator told Congress that some of his students are selling these foods to their classmates, to help them make their food more palatable. “Perhaps the most colorful example in my district is that students have been caught bringing–and even selling–salt, pepper, and sugar in school to add taste to perceived bland and tasteless cafeteria food.”’

Read more: Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Spawns Black Market for Salt and Pepper

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