Owner of house blown apart by SWAT says: ‘This is an abomination. This is an atrocity’

‘”There was one gunman with a handgun and they chose to turn this house into something that resembles Osama Bin Laden’s compound.”

Leo Lech is more than a little upset, and he is not afraid to express it with colorful language.

After all, the house he purchased for his son now has gaping holes where it once had walls and windows. Past the exposed studs and insulation of the condemned structure, you can see artwork on the wall of a 9-year-old boy’s bedroom.

“In any civilized nation … this is the act of paramilitary thugs,” he says he told the chief of the Greenwood Village Police Department.

The chief, Lech said, brushed it off.’

Read more: Owner of house blown apart by SWAT says: 'This is an abomination. This is an atrocity'

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