Sheikh Ali Salman: Bahrain opposition leader jailed for four years day after UK minister ‘opens’ Royal Navy base in the kingdom

‘A Bahraini court has provoked condemnation from human rights campaigners by jailing a Shia opposition leader the day after a British government minister visited the Sunni-ruled kingdom to break-ground on a controversial new Royal Navy base.

Sheikh Ali Salman, 49, a Muslim cleric and head of the al Wefaq Islamic Society, has been sentenced to four years in jail after he was arrested in December in case that stirred unrest and prompted condemnation from Iran and the US.

His detention came after he delivered a series of speeches calling for political reform and accountability after his re-election as party leader.’

Read more: Sheikh Ali Salman: Bahrain opposition leader jailed for four years day after UK minister 'opens' Royal Navy base in the kingdom

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