Sleepwalking to Thermonuclear World War III

With the Obama Administration, Congressional Republicans and the IMF hosting Victoria Nuland’s “Yats” with great fanfare in Washington on Thursday, the very same Kiev neo-Nazi regime moved the world one precarious step closer to a thermonuclear war of annihilation the very same day. President Petro Poroshenko put into effect a new law shutting down all Ukrainian-Russian military cooperation, which means the cut-off of transit to Russian peace-keeping troops in the bordering, landlocked Transdniester region. To make the point perfectly clear, the Ukrainian defense minister announced that S-300 air defense systems had been moved to the Ukraine-Transdniestria border, in a clear escalation of what Yatsenyuk described as “Ukraine’s war with Russia.”

This madness will only be stopped when both Obama and Angela Merkel are removed from office. Obama has done everything in his power to drive the confrontation with Russia, just as Lyndon LaRouche warned as long ago as late 2011, at the time of the overthrow and assassination of Qadaffi in Libya. Now, events on the Ukraine front and throughout the Baltic and Black Sea regions bordering on Russia, have put the world on the very brink of an outbreak of a great powers war, a war that can lead to thermonuclear extinction.

There is no more blunt way to assess the present strategic situation. BaltOp maneuvers in the Baltic Sea and ground NATO maneuvers on Polish soil are occurring throughout the month of June, which coincides with the showdown in Europe over Greece. According to news accounts over the past 36 hours, the two proposals presented on Tuesday by the Greek government to the European Commission included a demand for partial debt cancellation. The proposal was instantly rejected.

Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized that Merkel is on the verge of being brought down by sane forces within her own coalition government, and from two former German Chancellors, who have all demanded that she break with Obama’s obsessive confrontation with Putin and Russia. On a deeper level, LaRouche has noted that Germany is the last remaining viable economy in Europe, and a German-Russian cooperation can foster a turnaround in the rest of Europe’s otherwise unstoppable plunge into another financial and economic catastrophe.

The same situation holds true in the United States, where Obama’s removal from office, by Constitutionally prescribed means, is the only sane course of action. Otherwise, the choices are between a deep, accelerating collapse of what little remains of the productive economy of the United States, or an all-out thermonuclear confrontation with Russia and China.

While there are growing signs of a recognition of the Obama disaster, they are insufficient, so long as leading political circles argue that it is “not practical” to dump Obama now. Since when is thermonuclear extinction “practical?” No one in their right mind could claim that Obama has the qualities of leadership that John F. Kennedy showed in averting thermonuclear extinction in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The situation today is far more dangerous than at the time of the 1962 missile showdown between the US and the Soviets.

Only Obama’s removal, Merkel’s ouster, and a return immediately to a Glass-Steagall system, starting here in the United States, can resolve the process now leading the world towards a catastrophic crisis. With Merkel safely put out to pasture, those sane forces in Germany, promoting German-Russian cooperation and greater economic integration into the new BRICS paradigm, can start the process of saving Europe.

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