Snoopers’ Charter: Watchdog deals blow to plans and calls for Theresa May to lose wide-ranging powers

‘Theresa May’s plans to reintroduce the “snooper’s charter” have suffered a setback after a major government-commissioned report into surveillance powers raised doubts over moves to store every person’s web-browsing history.

David Anderson, the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, also called for the Home Secretary to lose her wide powers to issue warrants for phone-tapping and interception of emails, with authority switched in the vast majority of operations to senior judges.

The QC was scathing over the multiplicity and complexity of laws governing covert surveillance which he described as “undemocratic, unnecessary and in the long run intolerable”.’

Read more: Snoopers' Charter: Watchdog deals blow to plans and calls for Theresa May to lose wide-ranging powers

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