That Time the US Army Tried to Drill Its Soldiers While They Tripped Out on LSD

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‘In the 1950s and ’60s, US Army and CIA experimenters experimented with a number of substances in a bid to find advantage in future military conflicts. Among those substances was the powerful psychedelic, LSD.

The archived video footage makes abundantly clear that LSD was not going to prove very useful to the military. It was shot in 1963 at the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, where the Army was testing the drugs on active duty volunteers. The video shows a squad of soldiers ordered to conduct drills and ceremony.’

Read more: That Time the US Army Tried to Drill Its Soldiers While They Tripped Out on LSD

The post That Time the US Army Tried to Drill Its Soldiers While They Tripped Out on LSD appeared first on David Icke.

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