The Encyclical from Hell
From the opening words of Laudato Si, issued by Pope Francis and reportedly written by a committee dominated by the British-agent radical Malthusian John Schellnhuber, this Encyclical stands opposed to all others dealing with social matters by the popes since Leo XIII in the latter 19th Century. Whereas those encyclicals always put the human being “in the center” as most beloved of the Creator, Laudato Si pictures mankind as the great polluter, if not pollution itself.
Pollution, moreover, of a different creator, called “Mother Earth.” “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs,”
the Enclyclical opens.
The worship of Mother Earth as creator, is paganism, including its Satanist forms. This rejects both the scientific view of mankind’s activity, and the Christian one–Genesis itself.
“Inasmuch as we all generate small ecological damage, we are called to acknowledge our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation.”
Did the ancient Greeks disfigure and destroy the shore on which they built Athens, or the sea on which they sailed? Did Kepler disfigure and destroy the Solar System by discovering God’s design of it? Astronauts by exploring it? Spacecraft by mapping and measuring the Earth? Did oil disfigure the smoky wood-burning society which preceded it, or the discoverers of nuclear isotopes disfigure and destroy medical patients?
Despite covering itself in passing quotes from every conceivable previous Papal document, this one is their opposite. Compare what Schellnhuber et al. quote from Saint John Paul II’s Redemptor Hominis:
with what Schellnhuber et al. write in Laudato Si:
Most criminally, its theme is to deny that scientific and technological progress can uplift the poor, making this British encyclical from Hell a direct attack on the developing nations.
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