The Fox and the Henhouse

‘Mr Cameron’s apparent concern about corruption is truly heart-warming, but given that the City of London is widely recognised as the global centre of dirty money-laundering, and given that the City of London is rather influential in who occupies 10 and 11 Downing St, one has to wonder how deep Mr Cameron’s concern really is. If the long-awaited Chilcot Report into the illegal war in Iraq is anything to go by (and why shouldn’t it be?), I’m guessing that we shouldn’t hold our breath for the results of the “review” Mr Cameron is supposedly keen to start.

On the very next page of the paper (page 8) appears an article titled “British aid ‘paying for foreign armies’”. It opens with the following words:

Billions of pounds of British overseas aid is helping to subsidise the defence budgets of developing countries, MPs have claimed.’

Read more: The Fox and the Henhouse

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