The LaRouches Give the World Hope

In the midst of the growing danger of thermonuclear war and the impending blowout of the transatlantic financial system, the just concluded Schiller Institute conference in Paris, France, provided an historic opportunity for mankind’s future. The high- level participation of the more than 400 people who attended from Europe and the BRICS nations deliberated on both the grave nature of the crisis and the solutions. But, as Lyndon LaRouche stated on Sunday afternoon, that development must be protected by the dumping of the British Empire’s puppet, Barack Obama. If we don’t get Obama out now, in the immediate future, I don’t think the planet has a chance, LaRouche emphasized.

LaRouche’s warning is underscored by this weekend’s escalating developments toward war and genocidal austerity. On Sunday, U.S. Pentagon officials leaked to the New York Times their plans to station heavy military equipment on the borders of Russia in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe, significantly escalating the tripwire for the British Empire’s efforts to provoke a thermonuclear showdown with Russia.

Meanwhile, the brinkmanship surrounding the Greek crisis was also ratcheted up, with the EU and IMF reiterating their demands for brutal genocide against Greece. For his part, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras insisted, If Europe wants division and the perpetuation of servitude, we will take the plunge and issue a ‘big no’. We will fight for the dignity of the people and our sovereignty. Further, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports that a group of Syriza MPs are drafting plans for an Iceland-style default that would include nationalization of the banks and a return to the drachma.

In reporting on the discussion about Greece at the just concluded Paris conference, Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized that a chaotic collapse could be a trigger for war, and therefore only a replacement of the entire system, as presented by LaRouche, will work.

In his presentation to the Paris conference, LaRouche placed the emphasis on Germany for shifting the situation in Europe.

The particular significance of this action by Germany, is that Germany’s economy has a very special value today. Despite all the problems that the German nation suffers in economic problems and so forth, Germany still has a leading validity in terms of economy in Europe. And therefore, if the German economy, the leaders of the German economy, contrary to what Merkel has been doing so far, were to exert their influence effectively, then Germany would actually take steps which would, in effect, prevent a military conflict between Europe, or specifically Germany, and Russia. That would be probably sufficient to thwart any attempt to spread a global thermonuclear war of the type that the British system and its stooge, Obama, are pushing hard right now.

This brings the pressure back on the LaRouche movement in the United States to do its job in mobilizing the forces to oust Obama and bring the United States back under a competent leadership. The weekly Thursday evening discussions which Lyndon LaRouche is personally having with LaRouchePAC activists is the best hope for making that happen. In the four weeks since the initiation of these discussions, there has been a great increase in both the quantity and quality of the people joining LaRouche as leaders.

The conference in Paris has opened up options, LaRouche told his associates on Sunday. The key question is how we can effect a defeat of the enemy of mankind which is the British Empire, whose incidental agent is the current President of the United States.

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