TTIP vote in European Parliament descends into chaos after Ukip MEPs spark protest

‘Ukip MEPs sparked a protest that sent the European Parliament into chaos today after a crucial vote and debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was suspended.

Nigel Farage marched to the front of the room after MEPs narrowly voted in favour of a a last-minute delay in the latest debate on the free trade agreement with the United States. The Ukip leader claimed this was proof the EU was “running scared” of the strength of opposition to TTIP.

Meanwhile fellow MEPs from other parties who are also opposed to TTIP joined Ukip in standing, shouting, booing and clapping to show their dissatisfaction with proceedings. MEPs were due to set out their first formal position on TTIP since negotiations started two years ago.’

Read more: TTIP vote in European Parliament descends into chaos after Ukip MEPs spark protest

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