Ukrainians’ Desire to Join NATO and EU Shrinks – Poll

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A recent sociological poll revealed that Ukrainians are gradually losing optimism about joining NATO and the European Union.

We know not what is good until we have lost it: Mikheil Saakashvili, who actively supported the Euromaidan turmoil that toppled President Viktor Yanukovych, now asserted that it will take 20 years to reach the social level of Yanukovych’s Ukraine.

Forty percent of Ukrainians would vote in favor of joining NATO if a referendum on accession to the bloc were held now, a poll by Ukrainian Sociological group “Rating” showed.

In a study conducted between June 3-13, sociologists revealed that the number of Ukrainians, who want their country to join NATO, had shrunk to 40 percent from its peak of 51 percent in November 2014.’

Read more: Ukrainians’ Desire to Join NATO and EU Shrinks – Poll

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