Waco Texas Biker Massacre: Classic False Flag Operation & Government-Run Inside Job

‘Nothing scares the U.S. Federal Government more than an awakening populace that is moved to the point of revolting, or even organizing. Whenever citizens come together in a cohesive fashion to advance the deeply shared common goal of exposing government corruption, betrayal and malfeasance, all hell is bound to break loose. And so it did… at the Twin Peaks Restaurant in Waco, Texas on May 18th, 2015.

Make no mistake about it — this meticulously preplanned assassination of targeted bikers at Twin Peaks was a government-coordinated conspiracy designed to thwart any attempt to flex their muscles. It was also perpetrated to blacken the reputations of biker groups everywhere. They are groups, not gangs, as the Mainstream Media (MSM) purposefully and disparagingly call them.’

Read more: Waco Texas Biker Massacre: Classic False Flag Operation & Government-Run Inside Job

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