What exactly is Austerity? Answer, it’s just a Huge, Provable Lie!


‘Nearly all of us are victims of a massive and virtually unknown criminal scam being undertaken by the Establishment – that is the private bankers, the corporate financiers and the secretive Crown Corporation that all make up The City of London!

What you are about to read is completely factual and evidence based. It exposes the hidden truth about money creation and money supply as well as highlighting an actual historical precedent that, if reintroduced today, would immediately transform our nation from experiencing austerity and fear into experiencing real happiness, real financial stability and real prosperity for all.

We know from well placed ‘insiders’ that David Cameron, George Osborne and the City of London are extremely worried that this information will become widely known by the British people!’

Read more: What exactly is Austerity? Answer, it’s just a Huge, Provable Lie! 

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