Why does Jason Chaffetz hate the Internet so much?

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia – Today, Campaign for Liberty responded to Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s continued assault on Internet Freedom with his introduction of the so-called Remote Transactions Parity Act. The legislation would turn federalism on its head by allowing states to force online retailers to collect and remit sales taxes for the over 9,700 tax jurisdictions in the country.
“It’s extremely disappointing to see Rep. Jason Chaffetz continue his all-out assault on Internet Freedom,” said Campaign for Liberty President John Tate. “This bill is actually worse than Sen. Mike Enzi’s so-called Marketplace ‘Fairness’ Act, which conservatives rightly rallied against in ’13-’14, and that’s saying something.”
“Whether it is his attack on small online retailers or his support of Internet censorship by banning online gambling, one has to wonder, why does Jason Chaffetz hate the Internet? As one of the last sectors of the economy with little government interference, it is vital we protect this freedom.”
Campaign for Liberty opposes any legislation that seeks to hamper the unprecedented advances and prosperity entrepreneurs have created through the Internet.


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