Wild eyes and bowl cuts: Why do mass shooters always share the same hair styles and crazed zombie stares?


‘Nearly all mass shooters in recent memory share two things rarely pointed out in the media: bowl-cut hair styles and wild-eyed hollow stares.

It’s all in the eyes and the hair, it seems, as you can see in the photo compilation below, showing the haircuts and wild eyes of Dylann Roof, James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Michael Carneal and Kip Kinkel — all young men implicated in mass shootings.

The most popular hair style of mass shooters is the bowl cut. Of the five photos shown below, only James Holmes doesn’t have a straight-combed bowl cut. It’s fascinating to me that while you see utterly moronic comments in the mainstream media like, “All white people are terrorists,” you never see anyone commenting, “All people with bowl cut hair styles are terrorists.” Nope, that would be stupid, right? Because your hair style doesn’t make you a killer.’

Read more: Wild eyes and bowl cuts: Why do mass shooters always share the same hair styles and crazed zombie stares?

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