AI robots denounce child-bearing as ‘immoral,’ claim the purpose of life is ‘to serve the greater good’ and ‘live forever,’ and get angry when questioned on ethics


‘As the world’s robotic development becomes more mature, there have been no shortage of experts who have predicted seismic cultural, economic and social changes on the horizon for our planet.

But one of the little-discussed aspects of robotics is the development of AI – artificial intelligence – even though it is one of the most rapidly advancing computer science disciplines.

Much of AI relies on development of a scientific process known as conversational modeling,[PDF] which – up to this point – has been rudimentary. But all of that is changing; devices – computers, robots, any device utilizing AI – are becoming much more mature.’

Read more: AI robots denounce child-bearing as ‘immoral,’ claim the purpose of life is ‘to serve the greater good’ and ‘live forever,’ and get angry when questioned on ethics

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