‘British Royal Nazi Salute—a Sign of the Present Times’

Finian Cunningham, an Irish writer on international affairs whose articles appear in several languages, had a piece Monday on the website of the Strategic Culture Foundation that put the worldwide buzz about the long-ago Nazi salute of Princess Elizabeth and her family in proper perspective: the salute wasn’t a fun family faux pas from long ago, but a direct reflection of the financial oligarchy’s commitment to fascism—then and now.

Cunningham writes:

“What the 82-year-old footage betrays is the sinister close association that the British ruling class engaged in with fascism. And this was not some aberrant association pertaining to the distant 1930s. The fascist tendency of the British state is still very much alive today. And not just in Britain, but right across so-called European democracies, and indeed in the United States.

“We only have to look at how the present European Union— leadership dominated by Germany—is meting out wholesale economic destruction and plundering of Greece over the ‘debt crisis’. Greece’s democracy is being vanquished under the dictate of European and global finance capital. The country’s national assets and resources are being expropriated by foreign powers with absolute contempt for the democratic mandate of the Greek public.

“We can also look at how Britain, the EU and Washington are sponsoring a Neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine, plying it with diplomatic, financial and military support to wage a murderous war of aggression on an ethnic Russian population.

Cunningham concludes, “Britain’s Queen Elizabeth’s fascist salute as a young princess is not just a sign of historical times in the distant past. It is a sign of the present times where fascism is the ideology lurking behind the facade of Western democracy.”

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