Canada to Allow Unapproved GM Crop Contamination in Imports


‘After three years of discussions, Canada is close to finalizing its new policy on genetically modified (GM) foods that would allow very low levels of contaminated crops into the country—without a risk assessment by Health Canada.

Under existing rules, Canada has a zero tolerance for GM foods that are unapproved by Health Canada. The exception was created to facilitate trade, the Department of Agriculture said in an email statement to the Epoch Times.

“The government has been taking action to seek global solutions to prevent unnecessary trade disruptions, ensure open and predictable trade that is based on science, and make the agriculture sector more competitive,” the statement said.’

Read more: Canada to Allow Unapproved GM Crop Contamination in Imports

The post Canada to Allow Unapproved GM Crop Contamination in Imports appeared first on David Icke.

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