COP21 Organizer Nicolas Hulot, Promoted by British Royal Family, Exposed as Genocidalist

Solidarité et Progrès reported the reaction of Nicolas Hulot, the person in charge of organizing the COP21 Summit on Climate Change to be held in France in December, to a question posed today at the Summit of Conscience here, by Christine Bierre, editor-in-chief of Nouvelle Solidarité.

The response of Hulot, sheds light on the goals of the organizers of the Summit of Conscience and COP21.

Christine Bierre: Does Prince Philip of Edinburgh support this summit, and does this summit go in the direction of his campaign to reduce world population ?

Nicolas Hulot: I don’t know if he’s supporting the summit, but indirectly the presence of Martin Palmer at this Summit [Palmer, a close adviser to the Prince, had just chaired the morning session] seems to confirm that, and I think all this is going in the same direction as the thoughts, hopes, and aspirations of Prince Philip of Edinburgh.

Bierre: Including his desire, stated several times, to become reincarnated as a deadly virus in order to eliminate excess population?

Hulot: I haven’t read that; I cannot answer your question.

Hulot’s admission must be understood in the same light as the British daily The Sun‘s publication of videos of the future Queen of England making the Nazi salute, along with other members of her family, in 1933. Britain’s Channel 4 Television is preparing a program on its own historical research on the links between the British Royal Family and the Nazi regime, which will air July 30.

Prince Philip declared in August 1988, according to Deutsche Presse Agentur: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

Martin Palmer, Secretary General of the Alliance for Religions and Conservation (ARC), founded by Prince Philip of Edinburgh in 1995, is the advisor to Prince Philip on climate questions. In statements attacking the “anthropocentric gospel,” he attacks the difficulties that religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in accepting that “human beings are simply not important, and that it is important to have a discussion among officials of different religions in order to eliminate the idea there is something unique about human beings.”

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