EU Fiscal Tyrants-The EU’s Democratic Deficit

Today Fintan O’Toole writes eloquently about the new breed of unelected EU fiscal tyrants who are not subject to treaties or laws and who shape our destinies here in Europe. Better late than never for the MSM to catch on.

ECSC 1950
Main stream sources tell us that ‘the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was an international organisation serving to unify European countries after World War II. It was formally established by the Treaty of Paris (1951), which was signed by Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The ECSC was the first international organisation to be based on the principles of supranationalism, and would ultimately lead the way to the founding of the European Union‘.

Purely using amassing of wealth over and above democracy, as a motivating factor, has always left the EU institutions open to corporate take over by greedy elites. It did prevent those elites from falling out over resources and ultimately getting ordinary Joes to fight wars on their behalf. However being wise after many recent events the glaring democratic deficit and the fear of true democracy, as seen by EU elites hatred of the recent Greek referendum, is smacking every sane European citizen across the face. The policies of bankster corporate terrorism enshrined in treaties like the Fiscal Stability Treaty (Fisal Compact) basically preserve austerity as a prerequisite for Euro zone and ultimately EU membership.
This undemocratic Corporatist MO is the basis for new trade treaties like TTIP etc.
Going one step further they remove all pretense of citizens having any real democratic say in their own destinies.

In countries subjected to the Troika Terrorists, their bankster/corporate buddies and willing national governmental cronies we see huge transfers of wealth from ordinary people to the enormously well off. They get large interest payments and commissions via perpetual debt servicing and also get their pick of national assets at knock down prices (to also pay down bankster debts foisted onto ordinary citizens) and then charge folk a premium to use those same assets.

In Ireland conflicts of interest, scandals, statistics and blatant arrogance by ruling politicians prove this beyond a doubt.

Out of a population of 4.5 million –

‘More than 750,000 people are living in poverty in Ireland, including 220,000 children and 68,740 pensioners — with the gap between the poorest and richest increasing since the recession began.’ 


‘Homelessness in Ireland has become normal, but talking about it hasn’t’.


Fintan O’Toole: EU has taken decisive turn from democracy
We EU subjects have our own supreme ayatollahs of fiscal correctness now
‘A new property report shows that house prices are growing significantly outside of Dublin.
The report for the second quarter shows the commuter counties around the capital are seeing some of the strongest growth.’ (while rents continually rise resulting is massive homelessness).
Prices are up 23% in Meath and 18% in Kildare compared to one year ago. Counties Clare and Roscommon are both up 12%, while Cork City prices are up 12%.’


The North’s finance committee is holding an emergency meeting this morning to discuss allegations surrounding a £7 million money transfer that has been linked to the sale of some of NAMA’s Northern Ireland portfolio.

The committee is expected to call Independent TD Mick Wallace and NAMA officials to give evidence.
Deputy Wallace has alleged in the Dáil that the proceeds of one NAMA loan sale to the US company Cerberus, were earmarked for a politician. He said the funds had ended up in an Isle of Man bank account controlled by a Belfast solicitors’ firm.’


The Government is considering the sale of several State assets in order to raise €5 billion to help reduce the country’s debt – we look at the most likely contenders.


‘Dail politicians will see their salaries shoot up by as much €6,414 under a new public sector pay deal, the Government has confirmed.’


Nama Winelake on spectacular conflicts of interest rampant in Ireland .

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