Evil Triumphs: The West’s Hand Behind ISIS Confirmed

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‘For years now judicious analysts have been saying that ISIS, which now calls itself the Islamic State, is a synthetic witches’ brew of malcontents organized, armed and trained by the West and its regional appendages in the Arab Gulf countries.

Despite an overwhelming sand storm of disinformation emanating from the mainstream media that laughably portrayed the militant group and its creepy offshoots as wholly organic, critical thinkers have insisted that ISIS is a controlled outfit of covert mercenaries that were manufactured by Western powers and first wielded like a samurai sword against the Gaddafi regime in Libya. Once the North African country was swallowed whole by the Wahhabi onslaught, which was directed by CIA and MI6 “advisors” on the ground and reinforced by NATO airstrikes from above, the same stock and breed of criminal miscreants were promptly set upon Syria to ravage that unsuspecting nation.’

Read more: Evil Triumphs: The West’s Hand Behind ISIS Confirmed

The post Evil Triumphs: The West’s Hand Behind ISIS Confirmed appeared first on David Icke.

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