Food collapse unfolding in Greece: Grocery store shelves to be stripped bare… supermarkets raided… home gardens now the new ‘secret weapon’ against starvation

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‘Over the years, I’ve consistently and repeatedly urged people to grow their own food, and I’ve explained over and over again why you need a home-grown self-reliant food supply when the food collapse arrives.

That moment has now arrived for the citizens of Greece. With cash disappearing, grocery store shelves are on the verge of being stripped bare across the country, and some citizens are beginning to raid grocery stores in desperately thefts to acquire enough food to prevent their own starvation.

“A halt to international payments from Greek bank accounts is …threatening supplies of vital goods like food and clothing into the debt-crippled country,” reports Reuters.’

Read more: Food collapse unfolding in Greece: Grocery store shelves to be stripped bare… supermarkets raided… home gardens now the new ‘secret weapon’ against starvation

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